White Rainbow Gathering
White Rainbow Gathering
Kupidabin Sanctuary 22nd - 23rd March Awakening the Milk Line & Opening The Planetary Peace Trails.
Begins 9am 22nd March as we embark on a sacred journey like never before as we activate our ancient technologies and weave our inner architecture, where psyche meets soma. Preparing our Luminous bodies for the great Quest of Ion.
We receive our New Quanrum DNA potentizing ourselves upon the Great Dreaming path. Together, we step into the new fully armoured with our Hearts on Fire, infused with the currency of First light, awakened to the destiny of the Rongomaraeroa / Planetary Peace Trail. It is at this sacred site beneath Mt Samson that we open the planetary peace trails, awakening Unity, Oneness, Freedom, and Peace for all.
Please connect for more details with list of items to bring medicinewomenofmu@gmail.com.
Learning ancient Lore of Bush Medicine
Te Raukura will take you on a sacred journey sharing some of the medicines of our local bush, their medicinal and culinary uses, learning how to harvest correctly and how to make some simple blends