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We Love ❤ Rongoā

Sacred Rebirth - Level 1 - Temple of the Blue Diamond Journey

Sacred Rebirth - Level 1 - Temple of the Blue Diamond Journey

Regular price $555.00 NZD
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During this journey we will be learning the sacred embodiment practices of the Venus Stargate and the Blue Diamond;  There will be some sharing around the Holy Womb, Holy waters and we will also be learning how to do Womb Mirimiri/ Massage and Steaming rituals.

This journey is held over 4 days starting on Friday night and going through till Monday night, with optional extra night if needed to ground and integrate..   

We Invite all wahine to use this opportunity to release trauma and process deep issues especially around sexual trauma. We encourage all partipants to give themselves permission to be in receive as we all align and support the sacred midwifery of this process. 

Each participants will receive certification and is encouraged to practice on others to gain full confidence.  During this sacred Rebirth process you will experience heightened levels of vibration as you receive ancient esoteric wisdom, gnosis and knowledge , often with a deep remembering.  We will all be supported to midwife others through a rebirth process and align each other to our sacred birthing waters  - the new Venus  consciousness of the Beauty Way. 

Please reach out to Te Raukura for further details.  She will be delighted to hear from you.  Either on fb or text 0211413857,

Price is inclusive of Training & Certification and a 2 course evening meal

Shared lunches

Accommodation at $20 per person per night

Kete's $150

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Learning ancient Lore of Bush Medicine

Te Raukura will take you on a sacred journey sharing some of the medicines of our local bush, their medicinal and culinary uses, learning how to harvest correctly and how to make some simple blends