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We Love ❤ Rongoā

Blue Diamond Hine Aotea Online Training

Blue Diamond Hine Aotea Online Training

Regular price $55.00 NZD
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This is a 1.5 hour training and guide using an ancient starmap for navigation onboard the vessel Mothership Mù - an ancient portal and activation sequence initiating the Blue Diamond Light Body Grid and anchoring the frequencies and magnetics of Hine Aotea prima materia first stone of the first light. - preparing us for the upcoming shift in higher consciousness as part of the land of first light prophecy of the Waitaha Grandmothers.

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Learning ancient Lore of Bush Medicine

Te Raukura will take you on a sacred journey sharing some of the medicines of our local bush, their medicinal and culinary uses, learning how to harvest correctly and how to make some simple blends