Welcome to the Kòpù Temple

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Book a private session with Te Raukura

Introducing Te Raukura Kingi-Sayer - Priestess of the Kòpù Temple & Kaitiaki of the ancient sacred Waharoa/ doorway of Kòpù - the Womb of Venus.

Te Raukura is a Celebrant and Ceremonialist specializing in leading ceremonies that raise the consciousness of Love on the planet. In 2014, she was initiated as a Waitaha Grandmother and water carrier, working ceremonially with sacred waters as the most potent Rongoà; supporting the Rebirth of the Divine Mother frequencies, and calling her back into the creation story through the ancient codes of Kòpù.

Specializing in Womb medicine, she is here to assist and midwife the Grandmothers,Mothers and Daughters back into harmonic, bliss - by opening their hearts and healing their wombs; imprinting them with the new creation codes of Sovereignty, fertility, creativity and Joy , and weaving them back onto the cosmic loom as a living covenant of the indigenous tree of life.

She is a Spiritual Warrior, Humanitarian, Rainbow Bridge Walker, Ceremony Facilitator and Intuitive; sharing the remembering and wisdom of the Starmothers, and honouring our ancient Lemurian past -through Ceremony, Body intelligence, Womb Wisdom, Alchemy, Quantum Light codes, Readings, Avatar Art and Indigenous Plant Medicine.

She is passionate about supporting others to find their soul path, assisting them to fully step into their own mastery, by facilitating their rebirth through divinely guided processes shared from her ecclectic kete of gifts, and divinely expressed through the power of Love.


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