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Kòpù Holy Womb & Holy Water Blue Diamond Priestess - 9 mth Apprenticeship

Kòpù Holy Womb & Holy Water Blue Diamond Priestess - 9 mth Apprenticeship

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The Kòpù Temple Holy Womb & Holy Water Priestess - in the Womb of Venus Temple Priestess Training / 9 month Apprenticeship - Includes full practitioner kete, Priestess Kit, Accommodation and Delicious vegan/vegetarian kai during all 3 wananga/workshops.

During this journey we will be learning the sacred embodiment practices of the Venus Stargate; Holy Womb  Mirimiri/ Massage Womb Temple Arts, the art of Priestessing, Priestess Circling, Womb Midwifery and thr pleasure principle of sacred sensuality.  Learning to hold sacred safe temple spaces and working with the Divine Mother Goddess & her Kōpū Venus codes.  Honouring ourselves as living covenants, standing waters, as a Holy Water Creatrix. 

An interview process is necessary in order to ascentain the readiness of the participant.  This is deep, edgy work that requires absolute full presence and dedication for the entire 9 month period with no other prior commitments or interferences.

The Full Womb Priestess Initiation Process involves:

Commencing with a 4 Day/4 Night workshop and holding regular new moon & Full moon through fortnightly online temples:

1 x 4 Day 4 Night workshop include high vibe vegetarian/vegan food,  accommodation plus Practitioner kete.  Learning the sacred art of Holy Womb Mirimiri learning to give and receive the codes of The Sovereign Blue Diamond 🔹️ Holy Womb & Holy Water frequencies, vibrations and magnetics.  Sharing ancient esoteric rituals and receiving deep transmissions into the womb. Both giving and receiving as recipient and practitioner.  Supporting to midwife others through a rebirth process. Aligning each other to our sacred birthing waters of the new Venus  consciousness of Euphoria. 

1 x 5 week live online Womb Ceremony Training - learning the ancient sacred art of Womb Care and a deepening of the sacred practice with ancient esoteric wisdom 

1 x  4 Day /4 Night Birthing Ceremony as a Womb Priestess  journeying to ancient Lemurian Sacred Birthing Sites around Te Uri of te ika a maui -Coromandel, Sacred Water ceremonies, giving and receiving womb massages, steaming rituals, etc..., Sacred Sisterhood gathering and full celebration of the womb, includes food & accommodation.  

Fortnightly Kōpū Womb of Venus Priestess Circle and New and Full moon rituals, Wananga/knowledge sharing via 2 hr zoom session

During this journey we will be learning ancient Esoteric Holy Womb & Holy Water activations, Womb Healing Therapies through: Sacred Rituals, exploring various elements of womb care/healing and metaphysical practices that support the holistic expansion of the Womb, Yoni, heart and creative life expression. We will also be activating grids and planetary star points of your body’s template and aligning to the Venus codes of the Magdala Lineages. We will also be guided to hold space for others and midwife through a sacred birthing process.  We will be working with multiple Embodiment Practices including the Lemurian Rights of the Munay Ki, Unification Exercises, Yoni Art, Astral. Making sacred talismans, learning Karakia (Prayers) invocations, Waiata (Songs), Making sacred rongoā (plant medicine & Waters) journeys and Meditations and sovereign womb principles and visiting local sacred birthing waters and initiations through the Venus Temple.  We will be activating our sacred sound seed through Waiata and chants and learning to rewild through Sacred Sensuality, Dance & Play.

During this journey we will be learning how to navigate the Venus codes, how to work more intimately with the our body temple, Receiving the Blue Diamond Seal of Sovereignty and integrating how the womb and her sacred water align to the divine timeline.  Holding the Higher Octave Magnetics, Frequencies and Vibrations - initiating ourselves and others into a powerful state of Sovereignty, Freedom, Peace ànd Grace - Where the power of Love superseeds the Love of Power.

During this journey you will receive certification as Womb Massage

Receive skills as a midwife to hold space for others through their sacred rebirth ritual

Hold sacred womens ceremonies & Rites of Passage as a Holy Womb & Holy Water Priestess 

Additional costs include Priestess Kete

Enquire for dates none set as yet.


Fee payment schedule can be arranged 


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Learning ancient Lore of Bush Medicine

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